Queen Mechanika

One more for 2012: Queen Mechanika

Did not get around to paint much in the last three month. Work keeps me busy and it looks as…


Khador Torch

Finally finished Torch: I was really sceptic about the new Khador plastic warjack kits. I’m no fan of plastic and…

Koldun Kommander Zerkova

Koldun Kommander Zerkova

Finished Zerkova: Zerkova is one of those minis where I loved the concept art and was rather disappointed with the…


Zeeona & Ashan Tyr

I restructured the page a bit and exchanged the “Tannhäuser” section with a new “other Minis” section, which will be…

Gun Carriage

Khador Gun Carriage

After weeks of work I am proud to present the finished Khador Gun Carriage The model came with lots of…

Grimm's Cat

Grimm’s Fae Trees

As advertised I assembled and painted the first three minis of Mannikin Studios fae tree series. Here they are: Grimm’s…

Candy & Cola

Candy & Cola

The limited edition Candy & Cola to finish up the Super Dungeon Explore heroes. The mini was finished in June…

Claw Tribe Barbarian

Claw Tribe Barbarian

And the final hero from the Super Dungeon Explore Box, the Claw Tribe Barbarian, finished in late May 2012.

Angry Bear

Angry Bear

Where there is a Deeproot Druid, there is also an Angry Bear :). The model was finished in May 2012.

Deeproot Druid

Deeproot Druid

The Super Dungeon Explore Deeproot Druid, finished in April 2012.

Hexcast Sorceress

Hexcast Sorceress

Super Dungeon Explore Hero number six, the Hexcast Sorceress finished in late February 2012.

Riftling Rogue

Riftling Rogue

And another Super Dungeon Explore Hero, the Riftling Rogue finished in February 2012.

Glimmerdusk Ranger

Glimmerdusk Ranger

The Super Dungeon Explore Glimmerdusk Ranger. She was finished in mid February 2012.

Royal Paladin

Royal Paladin

The third Super Dungeon Explore Mini finished in January 2012, the Royal Paladin.

Ember Mage

Ember Mage

And the second Super Dungeon Explore hero mini, also finished in January 2012.