Intellect Devourer

Intellect Devourer

Grenadier Models produced countless minis from the ’70s up to the mid ’90s. For a few years they even held a D&D license and after they lost it they got creative with modifying iconic D&D monsters just enough to not get in trouble with TSR too often. After they went out of business in the mid ’90s you could find a lot of their minis very cheaply. This lead to quite a few of them finding their way into my collection.
Sadly most of their minis have not aged well at all. There are some hidden gems in there though, like this “Brain Eater” from 1984 I recently found while going though my old minis. While they were not allowed to call it a “Intellect Devourer” anymore, the inspiration is very clear.
The biggest challenge with this mini was, that it came with a small integrated base and such tiny claws that cutting it away would have damaged the claws. So I decided to lower the mini into a scenic base and sculpt over the original base.

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