Dragon’s Clutch

Dragon’s Clutch

Finished October 2014

Dragon's ClutchEgg ClutchEgg ClutchEgg ClutchEgg ClutchWhelpsWhelpsWyrmlingsWyrmlingsHatchlingsHatchlings

The Dragon’s Clutch spawn consists of an Egg Clutch Spawn Point, two Whelps, two Wyrmlings and two Hatchlings. It is one of the two spawns from the original Super Dungeon Explore Box.

I used the same colors and style for the little dragons that I used for Starfire. To add some variations I used a lighter red and green spots for every other model. The idea is that the little guys with the yellow spots are males, like Starfire, and the ones with the green spots are females.

As opposed to the Fireflow Denizens spawn point I did not use an airbrush for the crystal of this spawn point. Painting it by hand was a bit less work and the results are about the same.

Mighty Starfire has roamed the halls and carved stone of the Dragon Back Peaks for centuries. As much as he enjoys the admirations of his Kobold minions, it is his own children that most delights this ancient beast, as they bicker over the bones of would-be adventurers.

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